Hi, my name is Laxman
I'm the Programmer you need.

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I am a Web Developer and Programmer with good knowledge of data structures and Algorithms and have enthusiasm and focus on Frontend Development and Scripting.

I am pursuing Computer Engineering from National Institute of Technology,Kurukshetra.My main focus is on improving my coding skills in data structures and algorithms with web development. Feel free to contact me any time related to web development and programming.

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Crowm Clothing

It's an E-Commerce site made with React Technology.This site works just like every big E-Commerce site on the internet including cart system,payment using stripe,sign-in with google feature.Redux is also applied into the appliacyion for more realibilty and optimzation. This project was highlighted in one of the udemy course.

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A react project for showing friends in form of robots as cards which includes information about them. Helps to store friends information like email,contact,address and many more things. I used React for making this site.

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